Saturday, August 9, 2008

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, West Sacramento, CA

This one was little tough. A lot of contrast. Either almost full shadow or low direct sun light. Should make an interesting print. Spoke with the home owner for a while, very nice man, retired for about 10 years there. The Polaroid doesn't show it but there's a small American flag on the house as well as 1600 numbers. Since the sun never hit it directly it might just be come out black, but that's okay, a little mystery. The tree in the front yard kept the light from hitting the house until about midday, then the light looked just terrible, so this is what I'm left with. It could work. We'll see.

1 comment:

Jen said...

you could have fun with a print like this if you had access to a darkroom.
I rather like the mysteriousness of it.