Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Newton Falls, Ohio

This one is soo close. If it weren’t for that tree, I think this could a perfect composition. I struggled with the frame the first time I was here using the square frame and I did again with the 4x5. I love the 1600 address spelled out, Sixteen Hundred (it’s hard to see on the Polaroid), really great. But with that tree in the middle of the yard, I had to move to right or the left to have it in the frame and I think both compositions are a little awkward. The one without the flag looks a little better to me since the eye can assume the house ends just behind the tree, whereas the one with the flag, the eye knows the house continues on, but just can’t see it.

1 comment:

susan said...

mikei'm glad you chose this one. the drive way does it for me!!
susan (long lost friend from CEfA)