Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mississippi Part Two

Some pictures and thoughts from driving through Mississippi. I love back roads. And when I say back, I basically mean anything that's not an interstate, those blue highways on the atlas. You can almost as fast in them, the speed limit in Florida, Mississippi and Texas for the most part is either 64 or 70. 70 mph on a single land country road! It's fun. The scenery is soo much better, or rather, there actually is scenery. Beautiful rolling landscapes, lake, seas, rivers. Every once a and a while you slow through some small town and see life that's just hanging on with vacant store fronts, couple of gas stations and maybe a Wal-Mart. It's the way to see the road, the country, through some winding US highway or a county road away from the overly commercialized interstate corridors. You can sort of squint and see how this country once looked like, not the marred landscape of strip malls and fast food.

The Mississippi Gulf Coast was just fascinating. Beautiful for all the wrong reasons. Hurricane Katrina just obliterated the place. It's hard now to say how much damage was from "The Storm" as the motel clerk called it, or how much has now just been demolished and cleared away. Casinos dot the coast and just about every vacant lot is up for sale. Not long before it's Atlantic City.


Judy Manning said...

Hey Mike, thanks for the opportunity to travel across country through your journey. Photos are fabulous. Stay safe. Love, Judy

Anonymous said...

Mike, These Texas/Oklahoma pictures seem to remind me of some pictures of parking lots you made in college. Guardrails and exit signs. The empty spaces you still photograph. Have you looked at any of Stephen Shore's work? Older work.

I'm so glad you're keeping the blog! Have you notified the Times of your blog? Seems like just the kind of thing they might actually be interested in....for reports on techy/bloggy stuff. With a throwback to film and a view camera!