Wednesday, July 30, 2008

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Dallas, TX

And just like that, Texas is done. Spent the morning and early afternoon wandering through Texas' back roads en route to Austin, a city I was sort of excited to visit since Rob spoke so highly of it. Followed gps to 1600 and didn't see it at first. So I parked, checked the addresses of few houses along the block, 1612, 1608, 1512. Hmm. A woman was out with her sons, picking up stray litter and chatting, I asked them where 1600 was and they were a little unsure. Apparently there used to be a vacant lot that the woman would tend to, but a few years back a distant relative of the original owner showed up and built a house on it. So according to mom, 1512 should have technically been 1600, but the new homeowners chose 1512 so keep the sequence with there neighbors. So no 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Austin, TX, despite my great web source. Not big deal for me since I had to go through Dallas.

Arrived in Dallas at about 4pm and unloaded then reloaded my film holders in the bathroom. I was starving, but decided I should t least make sure 1600 was here in Texas. After landing in a decidedly dicey part of town, I found it. The sun was getting nice and low, and despite the property facing thee sides of open street, two sides would work for a picture, and this one I think is the most interesting. Not the most interesting picture so far on this trip or prior ones, but after a long day through Texas and a few days since my address in Florida, it was good to get back under the view camera.

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